Sunday, October 27, 2013

Quality over Quantity

When will dancers realize that it’s not the quantity of projects you’ve done but the quality of those projects that yields better returns? It is better to do two high quality gigs in a year than it is to do fifty low quality ones. Your last project usually determines the quality of the next one.

-          Safi A. Thomas

This quote by Safi A. Thomas, describes the importance of quality over importance. Lots of dancers want to be in so many projects and be known right away, but little do they know that the more time and energy spent on a project it will ultimately benefit them in the long run. Making a project well and of quality will be more beneficial. This can be said about anything really, dance routines, plays, any kind of performance, even homework. That the more quality you put into something now the more rewards and satisfaction you will receive in return later.

Procrastination is a big problem for me, whether its homework or practice, I don’t want to do it. I always wait to the last minute to do my homework or practice my pirouettes, etc.  I need to remember that the more time I put into something the more quality it will be and the more quality I put in to something the better it will be for me in the long run. It’s better to spend more time on a certain move and get it right than to rush through it to get more done or to finish early. Quality is key.

Have you ever heard the phrase “less is more”? well as you know, that’s not always true, but sometimes it’s better to focus on what you have going on, whether it’s a project or something of that’s sort, than to cram up your life and your busy schedule with a billion little things that you have to do and that you have to get done. It’s better to spend quality time on a one or two items in your life and focus on those than to rush and cut corners too many projects or item that you already have going on. Because that is what happens when you have too much to do in too little time. You rush, cut corners, get lazy and your project that you once thought was going to be great, starts to crumble and fall apart because you have not spend enough quality time or energy on it that you thought you were.

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