Sunday, October 6, 2013

Challenge Yourself

Challenging yourself is key in whether you want to improve in your dance ability or not. We're not all perfect dancers, but  we all want to be. In order to reach our goals and our desired dance capability we have to work hard and push ourselves to improve. Whether you have to improve in strength, flexibility, or technique, we all have to work on something.

Challenge yourself by taking harder dance classes. Don't be afraid to join a studio or move up to a new level of dance class. I know we all want to be comfortable, but sometimes trying new things in order to get better is worth the discomfort. Even if you don't have any friends in your new dance class or you don't know anyone at your studio. Don't let stupid, minor things get in the way of your ability to improve in dance. I've only been at my studio for about a year now. I remember when I first started, being super nervous and scared because I was new and I had no idea what I was getting myself into. It ended up working out just fine and I was worrying about nothing. Everyone's in the same boat and going through the exact same thing you are. You'll get to know people and make friends fast.

Challenge yourself by trying harder skills. the only way you'll be able to dance like your favorite dancer and get to the next level is by trying new skills. Practicing these skills and getting better at them will ultimately help you in the long run. High technical skills really show off your dancing ability and will help you reach the next level. The only way to get better is to keep trying and try, try, again. Dancing takes practice and the only way to get  better is practicing.

Also, being around more advanced and higher skilled dancers will help you and push you to reach their level. We all want to be better than the person next to us, so if you are around better dancers than you will want to be a better dancer. Especially if you're on a dance team at your school or something, you might not be best friends with the person dancing next to you, and so the competitive level is probably higher. If you want to be better than the girl next to you and she wants to be better than you than you will push each other to be the best you can be and will feed off each others energy to make the dance routine the best it can be. So challenge yourself to be the best, hard work always pays off.

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