Sunday, October 20, 2013

Important Aspects Of A Dancer

Dance is a very competitive sport, even if some people don't consider it a sport, it is. It is a high performance task and requires strength and skill in order to complete each move correctly and precisely. Sometimes you may mess up or do something wrong, but that’s why consistency as a dancer in technical ability and skill are so important. Other aspects of a dancer’s character are equally as important for success as well.

Important aspects of a good dancer are consistency, reliability, and trustworthiness. As a team and as an individual dancer you want to be able to respect and trust your teammates and yourself in order to accomplish the goals you have. Having these characteristics and working together with your team will ultimately bring forth productive actions and allow for more accomplishments. Communication and good relations with your team will also help and allow for better team work.

Consistency is an important aspect of a dancer’s character because as a dancer your job is to perform. Having consistency in your dance ability, as in skills and technique, will help you in your dance career and allow you to be looked upon as a reliable, consistent dancer. Giving you more opportunities and possibilities in your career as well as confidence in your dance ability. Consistency also in your punctuality and ability to keep your word will also benefit you in your relationship with your team and trustworthiness.

Reliability in a dancer is important because it allows people to trust you more. If you’re on time and take practices and competitions seriously then you’ll gain respect from your coaches and teammates. Keeping your word and promises will gain you respect and you will be trusted more with more responsibilities because people will know that you are reliable.

Trustworthiness is another good aspect to have because as a team if you can trust each other than communication will be easier and decisions and conflicts will be resolved easier if you can work together and trust each other.

All three of these characteristics work together to accomplish good communication and teamwork for effective decision making and goal accomplishment on your team.


1 comment:

  1. I like that you didn't just put "is good at dancing" or "has good timing" but that you focus on personality.
