Sunday, December 8, 2013


Competitions and performing in front of an audience can be very stressful. I know many people who are very good dancers, but before each performance they get super nervous and tell me they're going to throw up. I feel just as nervous as they do but don't show it. I believe everyone is nervous in someway. I mean, it's hard not to be nervous. If you've ever performed in front of a group of people you know what I mean. You want your performance to go well, look good, and entertain the audience. And maybe it's easier for people who are more outgoing, or maybe not? maybe they're just better at hiding it. It could be that they're just more experienced and can handle the stress more. Either way though stress is normal, but may not be all that pleasant.

Butterflies are not just a day-flying insect. They can be an internal force that strikes at the worst time, prone to worry you and cause you to over think the task at hand. But if everyone gets butterflies, and it's a natural response to nerves, could that be a good thing? according to a Washington Post Article the feeling of butterflies are caused by the lack of blood flow to your stomach. It's a natural fight or flight response caused by your adrenaline, causing your heart and blood pressure to increase. Sending  more blood to your muscles and causing you to be more anxious as well.  So could Butterflies be a good thing then? if your nervous and your adrenaline kick in, it may help you perform better. the increased blood flow to your muscles would help you be less tired and have more energy for the task your doing.

According to an Article on how to deal with nerves explains different methods to help with how to stop the butterflies and feeling of nausea. There's about five things that the lady who wrote the article, Izzy Nicol, found to be most effective for helping and getting rid of butterflies and calming your nerves. she wrote this article about exams but I think these tips can also be used for anything that requires performing or doing something in front of an audience. the first tip is to visualize success. When you review exactly what you're going to do perfectly then you have more of a chance to do it that well because you have success in your head. the second tip is to think positive, which kind of goes along with visualizing success because you need to motivate yourself in order to do well. The third tip is to chill out on the caffeine and sugar. This doesn't do any good for your body if you mix sugar and adrenaline together. It will most likely leave you tired and shaken up, emotionally and physically. I will also add to this eat healthy. Cleansing your body, especially if your doing physical activity, like dance, then you need to be at your top performance level. Eating healthy will ultimately give you more energy and make you feel better about yourself and what your about to do. The fourth tip is to remember why your doing it. Focus on why you're there, and the goal your trying to accomplish. Focusing on what your about to do instead of on yourself and your nerves and it will give you something to look forward to. The fifth tip is to breathe. I think this is the most important tip because it is so often and so easily forgotten. Taking a few deep breathes will help you focus and relax more. Calming your body and your mind so you will be able to accomplish your task more easily.

So no need to worry about your butterflies or nerves anymore. You have the tools and guide to get rid of them as fast as they came. It's only natural to get butterflies and everyone gets them. And butterflies can even help you. If your so nervous and have so many butterflies, your adrenaline will kick in and provide you with energy to complete your performance with ease. You won't be as tired and may be sharper and be able to hit everything harder. But be careful because you don't want to rely on your adrenaline kicking in. You still need to be prepared and work hard for when you perform. Because if you don't, and you only rely on your adrenaline, then let's just say that won't be a very pretty performance.


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