Saturday, September 21, 2013

Homecoming Dance

As homecoming comes around, lots of people are buying expensive dresses, getting their hair done, doing their nails and toning up that tan. But as homecoming night approaches the dance is the big attraction, this is the reason you spent all your money from that crappy job you had during the summer. All so you can look good for the Homecoming Dance (and also for cute pictures, can’t forget that!). You want to have fun, you want to have a good time, but most of all you want it to go well. I’m not saying it has to be perfect, cause we all know that’s not true, but we want there to be as little mistakes as possible. Often times though we obsess over how we look and for it to go right that we forget to loosen up and have a good time. 
 You have all your makeup done, you have your hair done and you’re looking might fine in that brand spanking new dress. So what, you messed up your eye shadow a little and it took extra time to do your hair, you’re looking good and you’re ready to go to the dance. Oh no, the dance! You totally forgot about the dance. You think, “I can’t dance, I’m a horrible dancer". Well, you probably should have thought about that sooner, but homecoming is full of last minute touch ups and plans. So it's all good! I'm actually glad you didn't think about it sooner, because now you're committed to going and you're going to have a blast!
 Some people don’t like to go to dance’s because they claim they “don’t know how to dance” or they "don’t like the songs or dance’s they do". Well that’s a bunch of crap and absolutely not true because everybody can dance and I encourage everyone to go to at least one dance in their life time. No matter how big or how small you are, how awkward or weird you are, you can dance. You shouldn’t worry about how you look when you dance or if you're doing the right moves, as long as you move to the beat and don’t worry about it you'll be fine. You never know, you may surprise yourself and actually have fun. Dances are not supposed to be a worry some event, of course the prep before the dance is a whole different story, but you're there to have a good time and DANCE!
Attitude is a big thing while you dance. Don't be so caught up with yourself that you're bringing down the mood of your party or whoever you're going with. Everybody wants to have fun so be aware of how your attitude affects the people around you. Don’t get down on yourself because you messed up on a silly little move and now you think everyone noticed. When in reality no one noticed, and besides, everyone's too concerned in themselves to worry about it anyways. Stay positive, don't keep telling yourself that that girl over there looks better than you. Girls have a tendency to compare themselves a lot to other girls and that's not going to get you anywhere in life. It's not good or healthy for you to compare yourself because it's just going to be an ongoing battle that you'll never win. Be comfortable in your own skin. Have confidence, you're the hottest one there and you know it, so glow with the confidence and personality God gave you.
 Don't feel intimidated by the girls, or guys, who you think know what they're doing because most of the time they don't. Just because they're on the dance floor shaking it like they're something special doesn't mean anything. Dance how you're comfortable dancing. There's only one you, so don't feel like you have to dance the way that that girl is over there. I don't care if you're doing the 'shopping cart' for twenty straight minutes, you're original, so embrace it!
YouTube is very helpful in teaching dances too. A lot of songs and dance's for weddings or school events are not that hard to learn or memorize. Popular songs to look at are the Wobble, Cupid Shuffle, Macarena, Dougie and The Wop. There's different versions of these but learning these popular songs will help in your effort to feel more comfortable dancing at homecoming or wherever your new learned dance skills will lead you!



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